Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas, Consumerism, & CousinBand

I haven't updated in quite a while. I've been trying to keep myself busy with my various creative endeavors.

I was at the mall recently, and it made me think about how I love the mall around Christmastime. Maybe I'm a stereotypical American consumer, but I realized a big part of the Christmas experience for me is going to the mall and just taking in that atmosphere. Thinking about it made me want to get out my favorite Christmas album and watch classic Christmas movies. I'm making myself wait until at least after Thanksgiving.

Today my uncle Adam was in the area on business. Some relatives went out to dinner with him. I couldn't make it to dinner, but I made it to my cousin Megan's for dessert afterward. We had a big birthday cake to celebrate the birthdays of Megan, Patrick, and Adam, because they all have birthdays this month. Adam asked me about my music and if I had anything close to being done, and I replied, "Nope! Not yet!" or something along those lines. We talked a little bit about CousinBand, which I told him about last year when he visited.

CousinBand is a music project between some of my cousins on my mom's side of the family and myself. We had always half-joked about starting a band together since we're all musically inclined in one way or another. We decided to really go for it, but it's really more of a collaborative music project between us rather than a band. No one has a specific role. So far I'm the only one who has contributed anything (only one song so far, with no vocals or lyrics), but Patrick and Megan have been working on some stuff. It seems like it's finally happening, and I'm excited about it. We have to get some of our other talented cousins in on the action, because I'd really love to work with them, and I think the more ideas thrown into the mix, the more interesting it will be.

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