Sunday, October 17, 2010


I bought LEGO Creationary today. I've been wanting to get the game for a while now, especially after the Penny Arcade comic and Gabe's news post about it. Todd and I played it for a few hours and it's a lot of fun. The different difficulty levels of the cards don't seem very accurate though. Even the "easy" cards were really difficult, and I've been building with LEGO for over two decades.

The booklet of rules instructed to photograph models you're particularly proud of before taking them apart, and so I took a photo of the lawnmower I built. As you can see, it was pretty heavily based on the image on the card.

The wheels and axels aren't actually attached but held in with friction. I didn't want to use the tires that came with the game. After building the lawnmower, I noticed there was an example of one on the box for the game, and my lawnmower was way better than the one on the box.

After we finished playing, I was fooling around with the pieces and made Wall-E from memory. Having looked at an image of him now, I'm quite impressed with how accurate my LEGO version is.

I definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes board games and LEGO.

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