Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dinosaur Dracula's Halloween Countdown

I wrote about the X-Entertainment Halloween Countdown two years ago. This past summer, the creator of X-Entertainment, Matt, launched a new website called Dinosaur Dracula. It's basically the spiritual successor to X-Entertainment, but is clearly an improvement due to the recently hatched vampiric Tyrannosaurus rex (I love that I know how to spell that without having to look it up or even think about it) that the site has for a mascot.

Since it's early September, any reasonable human being could have expected this... Dinosaur Dracula's Halloween Countdown started recently, and since the site is new, this is its first ever Halloween Countdown. That's something pretty special. It has the renewed energy and magic of the new site, but since there have been so many Halloween Countdowns on X-Entertainment, Matt has had plenty of practice. And you know what they say about practice.

After seeing the Dinosaur Dracula action figure that Matt made in his post about Matchbox Con-Nec-Tors and seeing that he compared the toys to LEGO, I was inspired to make this LEGO version of Dinosaur Dracula.

I combined parts from the Collectable Minifigure Lizard Man and Vampire, and had to find one extra piece to complete it: a black minifigure head to go under the dinosaur mask. Matt mentioned in the Con-Nec-Tors post that despite the fact that one of the figures is an obvious Dracula, they called it a Vampire. Well, you may have noticed that the same goes for that LEGO minifigure. He's called Vampire, but he's obviously Dracula. These toy companies can't fool us.

I hope you enjoyed my LEGO Dinosaur Dracula. I know I enjoy it. Check out Dinosaur Dracula's Halloween Countdown. At this point, you don't have too much catching up to do.

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